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6th grade chorus is the beginning level chorus at Piney Grove.  In 6th grade, students are introduced to the basics of reading music and music theory.  The 6th grade chorus repertoire is unison or 2 part and is chosen to help ease students into singing with a large ensemble while still providing opportunities for solo and small group performance. 


This performance-based class focuses on learning to use the vocal instrument to create a healthy and pleasing sound. In addition to learning proper vocal production and technique, students learn music reading skills, sight-singing skills, and performance skills. Students sing literature with and without accompaniment in up to three parts. Chorus offers opportunities for students to develop team building and leadership skills. Participation in concert performances outside of regular class hours is required.



7th Grade Chorus picks up where 6th Grade Chorus left off.  Students are introduced to more challenging music and a greater emphasis is placed on music reading and understanding musical theory and concepts.  Students begin to listen to and analyze their own performances as well as the performances of other choruses.  Students are also expected to dissect and analyze their choral repertoire and explain the significance of the text and its relationship to musical elements and the cultural and historical significance of the works being performed. 

This performance-based class focuses on continued demonstration of proper breath control and correct singing posture. Students sing with and without accompaniment, and sing literature in up to three parts. Students demonstrate proficiency in sight-reading at the expected competency level and read music with more complex melodies and rhythms. Participation in concert performances outside of regular class hours is required. 



This is the highest-level chorus at Piney Grove.  Emphasis is placed on continuing to develop music reading abilities, vocal confidence and contribution, and vocal health.  This ensemble is also instrumental in helping to prepare students to continue with music on into high school. 


This performance-based class focuses on continued and consistent demonstration of proper breath control and correct singing posture. Students demonstrate open vowel sounds, properly articulated consonants, and appropriate tone quality on more advanced repertoire. Students demonstrate more advanced proficiency in sight-reading at the expected competency level and read music with more complex melodies and rhythms. Participation in concert performances outside of regular class hours is required.


Email Amanda Steinberg -


8135 Majors Rd, Cumming, GA 30041 | (678) 965-5010

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